Flower Seeds
Nasturtium – Alaska Mix – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19These charming variegated nasturtiums have lovely lily pad leaves whose cream and green striped markings make a wonderful color accent in the garden. The highly ornamental foliage is covered with pert, spurred flowers in bright gold, cheery orange, rich mahogany and salmon. Softly mounding, compact Alaska is an especially striking edging for flowerbeds or borders to contrast with green leaved plants. An attractive choice for showy patio containers, hanging baskets and window boxes.
35-40 Seeds
35-40 SeedsAdd to cart -
Sweet Pea – April in Paris – Renee’s
$4.79Developed by world-renowned breeder Dr. Keith Hammett, April in Paris is a perfect match of intoxicating fragrance, lovely form and captivating color with the most intense perfume of any sweet pea I have ever grown. The large ruffled blossoms are a soft primrose cream, tinted at the edges in dark lilac that deepens and increases with age. These strong growing vines produce heavy sets of long-stemmed flowers that beg to be cut for heavenly scented bouquets.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
30-35 Seeds
30-35 SeedsMore Info -
Nasturtium – Vanilla Berry – Renee’s
$4.19Carefree nasturtiums with buttercream-colored blossoms, each marked at the throat with a delicate etching in deep strawberry. These top setting, spurred flowers shine above blue-green lilypad-shaped leaves, and hummingbirds love their nectar. Vanilla Berry plants cover empty garden spaces and drape gracefully to fill in windowboxes and planters. The flowers are edible, with a watercress-like flavor, perfect as a spicy garnish to top salads or fancy open-faced sandwiches.
35-40 Seeds
35-40 SeedsMore Info -
Viola – Grandma’s Johnny Jump Up – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Also known as Heart’s Ease, these dainty little flowers look like jaunty miniature pansies with pretty flower faces of deep violet, mauve, yellow and white. Johnny Jump Ups are both weather tolerant and long blooming and are good container and edging plants and are lovely planted in spring bulb beds. Johnny Jump Ups blossoms are edible with a mild wintergreen flavor and make tasty garnishes and decorations. These sweet flowers self sow readily and will enhance every garden.
1350 Seeds
1350 SeedsMore Info -
Forget-Me-Nots – Azure Bluebirds – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19Charming sky-blue Forget-Me-Nots bring out the romantic in us all. One of the easiest to grow and most prolific flowers of early spring, they bloom at the same time as spring bulbs for which they are perfect companions. Azure Bluebird reaches 12 inches tall with bright green furry leaves the shape of upside-down spoons. As the branching flower stems elongate, the plump buds unfurl their dainty blossoms and shine above the foliage in clear heavenly blue.
1200 Seeds
Add to cart1200 Seeds
Nasturtium – Aloha Mix – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Aloha Mix is blend of soft tropical shades including apricot, cream, soft yellow and rose. These pretty blossoms atop lily pad-shaped leaves make a lovely garden tapestry. Aloha Mix grows readily in pots or window boxes, or plant in garden beds to softly drape and cover bare spots or fill in borders. Both flowers and leaves of nasturtiums are edible with a spicy flavor like watercress. They make tasty additions to salads or sandwiches.
40-45 Seeds
40-45 SeedsAdd to cart -
Poppy – Pepperbox – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Growing these old-fashioned poppies offers triple rewards: glorious flowers, handsome pods and nutty-tasting seeds from the same ornamental plants. Gray-green Pepperbox plants send up nodding stems of large papery-textured purple, red and pale pink blossoms, all with dark center blotches. After the petals drop, their big pods swell as the blue-black seeds mature to harvest when dry for baking. Or keep the pods for beautiful decorations.
1000 Seeds
1000 SeedsMore Info -
Sweet Pea – Queen Of The Night – Renee’s Seeds
$4.70Our special heat-tolerant and very fragrant blend of named antique varieties gives you a stunning display of heritage sweet peas in deep shades reminiscent of a midsummer’s eve. Included are “Captain of the Blues” (mauve-blue), “Cupani” (bicolor blossoms of maroon and lilac), “Lord Nelson” (navy blue), “King Edward VII” (deepest crimson) and “Miss Willmott” (salmon-pink). Their vines with rich colored blossoms will cloak a fence or arbor and provide luminous bouquets with an ambrosial perfume.
40-50 Seeds
40-50 SeedsAdd to cart -
Corn Broomcorn – Amish Rainbow Tourne-sol
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Tassels with red, orange, and black seeds. Take tassels, remove the seeds, add a wooden handle and voila!
Great decoration for the fall.
Harvest in 70 days
Canada organic
*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season********
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Echinacea – Butterfly Paradise Mix – Renee’s Seeds
$5.19These sturdy, long-lived perennial prairie flowers sport a pretty skirt of vibrant ray petals around cone shaped centers. Well-established plants are sensational focal points for the summer garden and beacons for butterflies. This special mix offers the complete range of the newest forms and colors for a striking and harmonious blend of rosy-purple, apricot, yellow, orange and cream blossoms that will return to enchant you every season.
38 Seeds
38 SeedsMore Info -
Chamomile – Bodegold – Renee’s
$4.19Our improved chamomile variety is imported from Germany where herbal teas and remedies have been used for centuries. Bodegold begins blooming several weeks earlier than other strains and produces abundant flowers. Pick the little blossoms with their dainty white petals and gold centers and simply air dry for making fragrant pineapple-scented tea. Serve with a little honey to settle the stomach and soothe the nervous system before retiring.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
1000 Seeds
1000 SeedsMore Info -
Original price was: $3.99.$3.00Current price is: $3.00.AKA a bee’s friend. These small violet flowers unfurl from long stems. Excellent for pollinators.
****If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season******
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Zinnia – Raspberry Sorbet – Renee’s
$4.79These lovely flowers offer beautiful, deep raspberry tinted double blossoms on branching long-stemmed plants that reach 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall. Raspberry Sorbet zinnias are both free flowering and long blooming and the abundant flower heads add glowing color to summer beds and borders. Pick armfuls of these pretty flowers for jewel-toned bouquets all season long; the more you pick, the more flowers will develop. Butterflies seek these beauties out all summer long.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
94 Seeds
94 SeedsMore Info -
Salvia – Bee Heaven – Renee’s Seeds
$5.59Our new variety is compact and earlier blooming than other salvias, with clouds of nectar-rich, blossoms in a mix of white, soft pink and rose-red. Hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators flock to these blossoms from dawn to dusk, and sprays of these charming flowers are lovely in mixed bouquets. Bee Heaven grows readily in a wide range of conditions and blooms continuously throughout summer. Ideal for containers or as easy-care, free-flowering border plants.
63 Seeds
63 SeedsMore Info -
Nasturtium – Empress of India – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19These easy to grow heirloom flowers with their unique deep blue-green foliage and vermilion-red blossoms have graced gardens for hundreds of years. Their glowing color attracts hummingbirds who love to visit the long-spurred blossoms. As a wonderful bonus, both the bright flowers and leaves are deliciously edible with a spicy watercress-like taste. Empress is my favorite for garnishing green or seafood salads, chopped and mixed with cream cheese or added to rice dishes.
30-35 Seeds
Add to cart30-35 Seeds
Sunflower – Mammoth Greystripe – Renee’s Organic Seeds
$6.29These tall, pollinator-friendly golden sunflowers are followed by heavy heads of plump seed kernels that make tasty and nutritious eating for fun snacks. Or feed seeds to birds!
45 Seeds
Cosmos – Rose Bon Bon – Renee’s
$4.79New from the very best French breeders, florist-quality Rose Bon Bon offers you extra fancy, uniformly double blossoms densely packed with frilled petals in a rich romantic rose. This exceptionally beautiful and carefree new cosmos produces 3-inch flowers that bloom non-stop on long stems, making them perfect for cutting abundant bouquets all summer long. Butterflies love to visit these lovely blossoms as they sway above finely cut foliage.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
45-50 Seeds
45-50 SeedsAdd to cart -
Fennel – Butterfly Swallow Tail – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Handsome, ornamental plants with 4-5 foot feathery plumes of filigreed blue-green, copper-tipped leaves and lacy, golden flower umbels. A stunning addition to flower beds and a major nectar and pollen host for many butterflies (especially Swallowtails) and beneficial insect species. The aromatic, sweetly anise scented leaves are delicious in salads and make a lovely, soothing tea. The pretty flowers are lovely in bouquets; their edible golden pollen is a gourmet seasoning that upscale chefs love to use.
200 Seeds
200 SeedsAdd to cart -
Zinnia – Cool Crayons – Renee’s
$4.19My custom blend offers you gorgeous, florist-quality zinnias in lovely shades that make color coordinated bouquets as you pick them. These densely petaled, fully double flowers in deep lavender, carmine-rose, soft pink, and white are beautiful both in the garden and cut for flower arrangements. The branched 3 to 3 1/2 foot tall plants have outstanding garden performance and stand up well to both summer rain and heat, yielding armfuls of long-stemmed flowers all season.
85-90 Seeds
85-90 SeedsAdd to cart -
Morning Glory – Glacier Star – Renee’s
$4.19Free-flowering Glacier Star is a reselected, antique cultivar whose dazzling blossoms are translucent baby blue overlaid with dark cerulean blue starred throats. This enchanting blue bicolor opens new flared 4-inch trumpet flowers each morning starting from midsummer. Glacier Star’s strong and sturdy vines of heart-shaped leaves twine effortlessly to cloak a gate, fence or trellis where they unfurl their skirts of beautiful blooms, creating a tranquil and old-fashioned ambiance.
65-70 Seeds
65-70 SeedsMore Info -
Nicotiana – Jasmine Alta – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19Sweetly scented old-fashioned Nicotiana grows into 3 to 4 foot, broad leafed plants with graceful sprays of white tubular blossoms. Their sultry jasmine perfume drifts through the air in the late afternoon and evening. These exotic tropical looking South American natives can handle both heat and humidity as well as cooler conditions. You’ll find their nostalgic grace and wafting fragrance a joy to be near in the moonlight.
925 Seeds
925 SeedsMore Info -
Calendula – Flashback – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19These carefree, early blooming flowers shine happily on sturdy branching plants. Flashback offers semi-double 2 to 3 inch blossoms in satiny shades of orange, apricot, rosy-peach and cream, many with petals backed with deep red or maroon. They add sparkle to country-style bouquets and always attract visiting butterflies. Calendula petals have been used for centuries in soothing lotions and salves. Their edible petals make colorful salad garnishes.
attracts butterflies55 Seeds
55 SeedsAdd to cart -
Nasturtium – Moonlight – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19These lovely climbing nasturtiums have charming soft primrose yellow flowers and bright green foliage, much different from the usual bold and brassy color mix. They grow easily in any well-drained soil and will gracefully disguise neglected areas or twine along a fence, trellis or wall, providing a summer arbor of pretty lily-pad shaped leaves and long-spurred flowers. As a wonderful bonus, both the bright flowers and leaves are deliciously edible with a spicy watercress flavor.
40-45 Seeds
40-45 SeedsAdd to cart -
Lavender – Munstead English – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19Our easy to grow Munstead has the perfume of authentic English lavender – a clear, sweet fragrance without medicinal overtones. The semi-dwarf plants grow into 1 1/2 to 2 foot, silvery-green mounds with plump lavender blue flower spikes. Use these plants in landscape borders for a wave of soft color in early summer. Their greygreen foliage and aromatic blooms will charm your senses and attract a flotilla of summer butterflies.
145 Seeds
145 SeedsAdd to cart -
Sunflowers – The Birds & The Bees – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Enhance your garden’s eco-system with these sturdy, 6 to 8 foot tall sunflowers whose golden-yellow petals and chocolate discs seem to literally follow the sun. During blooming season they offer a rich pollen and nectar source for foraging honey bees, native bees and any other garden pollinators. At maturity, these black seeded sunflowers provide particularly oil-rich kernels with somewhat softer shells than others, yielding an abundance of nutritious feasts for birds.
130 seeds
Non GMOAdd to cart
Tag: Pollinator -
Poppy – Lauren’s Dark Grape – Renee’s Seeds
$5.19Absolutely stunning 4 to 5 inch chalice-shaped flowers with satiny petals that glow in the most delicious shade of deep ruby-purple. These outstanding, heirloom poppies grow 3 to 5 feet tall, depending on how rich your soil is. With their big, lettuce-like, blue-gray leaves and port wine colored flowers, Lauren’s Grape is a highlight of the spring garden. These beautiful flowers easily self sow to shine again every season.
1900 Seeds
1900 SeedsAdd to cart -
Delphinium – Blue Mirror – Renee’s
$5.59Blue Mirror delphinium has fine textured foliage literally covered in sprays of intensely ultramarine blue little trumpet-shaped florets. The compact lacy plants make a lovely display in the garden and for bouquets. First introduced to England in 1818, this easy-care beauty is known in its native land of China as “Herb of the Flying Swallow.” While it’s well known that hummingbirds zero in on red, they also love true blues like this one for supplies of sweet nectar.
45-50 Seeds
45-50 SeedsMore Info -
Cardinal Climber Vine – Renee’s
$4.19This heirloom flowering vine with its tropical-looking foliage and petite bright blossoms offers a beautiful vertical gardening display. The deeply cut, palm-shaped dark green leaves unfurl as the plants grow and twine upward to cover any support. Throughout the hot part of summer, pretty clusters of 1 1/2 inch crimson-red, trumpet-shaped flowers with open starry faces bloom in profusion on all the leaf axils, offering dainty drinking fountains for welcome hummingbirds.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
100 Seeds
100 SeedsAdd to cart -
Poppy – Legion of Honor – Renee’s Seeds
$4.19Classic crimson corn poppies have elegant cup-shaped single blossoms that glow in the sun with concentrated lustrous color. They blanket open fields throughout late spring and early summer all over Western Europe and have come to symbolize the valor of fallen soldiers. The brilliant 3 inch silky flowers sway gracefully on nodding stems 1 1/2 to 2 feet above finely cut foliage. This beloved antique flower resows easily to bloom generously every year.
4000 Seeds
4000 SeedsAdd to cart -
Sunflower – Sunzilla – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79These grand giants are fun and easy to grow with dramatic results. Kids of all ages will love them! The big-framed, strong plants reach from 12 to 16 feet tall to follow the sun; their brilliant golden flower faces make the entire garden a glorious bright summer celebration. A row of Sunzilla makes a wonderful living hedge that grows before your eyes. After flower petals drop and seeds have matured, the big heads of plump kernels make a feast for neighborhood songbirds.
20-25 Seeds
20-25 SeedsAdd to cart -
Hyssop – Root Beer – Renee’s Seeds
Original price was: $4.49.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Looking for a lovely, fragrant, easy care flowering herb that really attracts pollinators? Our Root Beer hyssop lights up the garden with candelabras of deep lilac-purple flower spikes all season long. All types of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds will flock to the pretty flowers with delight. Both the flowers and handsome toothed leaves have a sweet, warm fragrance and flavor reminiscent of root beer and can be used as edible garnishes and in baking.
Seed Count: Approx. 2500***If seeds are on sale / reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
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Dahlia – Blazing Saddles – Renee’s Seeds
$4.29These strong and exuberant dahlias from seed produce dozens of informal bright blossoms. The 3 to 4 inch free blooming flowers greet you with a carefree canopy of color in fireworks shades of scarlet red, orange red, deep red and red coral in striking contrast with the bushy plants’ deep burgundy-purple foliage.
Cut stems of bloom often for long-lasting centerpiece bouquets. At season’s end, the 2 1/2 to 3 foot plants produce tubers to replant for next year’s flowers.
45 seeds
Non GMOMore Info
Tag: Pollinator -
Coreopsis – Hohe Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $4.00.$3.00Current price is: $3.00.So many flowers! Yellow petals with red centers cover these plants. Blooms throughout out the summer.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
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Tag: Organic -
Lobelia – Blue Heaven – Renee’s
$4.79Our charming and weather resistant new trailing Lobelia offers masses of dainty 3/4 inch cerulean blue blossoms that cascade in a shower of bloom. Enchanting Blue Heaven will drape in graceful profusion over the sides of hanging baskets, window boxes or patio containers or light up a walkway with its glowing blue blossoms. Lobelias are usually thought of as shade plants, but this gorgeous variety will also perform beautifully in sun where the summers are not too hot.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
800-1000 Seeds
800-1000 SeedsMore Info -
Nasturtium – Cup of Sun – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79Cup of Sun grows easily and quickly so plants are soon covered with cheerful flowers in the sunshine colors of bright lemon-yellow, gold touched with toasty orange and a pastel yellow that fades to soft cream. Masses of these perky blossoms shine above the foliage, providing long-lasting garden cheer, while the waterlily-shaped leaves drape gracefully to soften garden edges. Plant these sunny flowers to light up your garden beds, borders or patio containers all season.
30-35 Seeds
30-35 SeedsAdd to cart -
Nasturtium – Amazon Jewel – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79This spellbinding nasturtium offers unusual variegated, vining foliage and brilliant, spurred blossoms in exotic and unusual shades of pumpkin, painted peachy-rose, ruby, gold and pale lemon. The single scented flowers shine out from among lily-pad shaped leaves splashed with patterns of emerald green and creamy white. The effect is a trailing jungle of gemstones as Amazon Jewel meanders gracefully to cover bare spots, adorn fences or cascade from containers, filling the garden with vibrant color.
35-40 Seeds
35-40 SeedsMore Info