Pepper – Violet Sparkle Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $3.50.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Violet purple pepper with sparkly yellow blush turns to red. 4” tall pimento shape with sweet thick walls.
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Chicken Manure For Flowers 4-4-7 Acti-Sol
- Perennials, annuals, rose bushes, fruit trees, hanging baskets, balcony planters.
- Improves bud and fruit formation
- Improves resistance to diseases and water stress
1.5 kg1.5 kg
Tomato – Chadwick’s Cherry – Renee’s Organic
$6.29Climbing, heavily laden vines produce large sized cherries with really rich, full tomato flavor. Heirloom favorite of Alan Chadwick, a true Grand Master of sustainable, organic techniques in the US.
Harvest in 70 days.45 Seeds
Lettuce – Romaine Jericho Renee’s organic
$6.29Especially heat-tolerant, juicy romaine originally from Israel. Full heads of upright sword-shaped leaves with crisp, juicy texture and sweet, fine flavor.
Harvest in 65 days.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
1800 Seeds
Swiss Chard – Rainbow – Renee’s Organic
$6.29Colorful, long-standing heirloom with green leaves and crunchy stalks that show off in a rainbow of colors, including red, pink, white, and gold.
245 Seeds
Parsley – Italian Large Leaf – Renee’s Organic
$6.29All-purpose heirloom to harvest liberally for its glossy, deep green leaves & sweet full flavor. Use these tasty, nutritious leaves everyday both in salads & to enhance every day cooking. Biennial.
850 Seeds
Tomato – Ananas Noire Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Beefsteak tomato. A beautiful and delicious tomato. This variety was developed by Pascal Moreau, a horticulturist from Belgium. The multi-coloured, fruit are green, yellow and purple weighing up 1 1/2 lbs. The flesh is bright green with deep red streaks. Heavy yielding indeterminate plant. This tomato is another great one for my favourite – tomato sandwiches!
Days to Maturity: 85
Seeds Per Pack: 25
Germination Rate: 93%*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season***********
Pack of 25 seeds
Tomato – Black sea man Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Beefsteak tomato.
From Matchbox: A Russian heirloom, this is the first black tomato I’ve grown in years, and I’m so impressed! Gorgeous black shouldered and deep pink and brown fruit can reach up to a pound in size, however they average 10 oz. Incredible flavour, perfect for tomato salad. Early producer, determinate.
Days to Maturity 75
Seeds per pack 25 Seeds
Germination Rate: 98%Heirloom
*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season***********
Pack of 25 seeds
Eggplant – Black beauty Tourne-sol
Original price was: $3.50.$0.50Current price is: $0.50.Large dark purple fruits. Italian eggplant
********If seeds are on sale it is because they are from a previous season.********
Pack of 35 seeds
Basil – Genovese Tourne-sol
$3.99Around 1200 seeds. Green Italian basil. Large leaves are easy to use in pesto, bruschetta or any pasta dish.
Pack of 1200 seeds
Tomato – Principe Borghese Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Red grape tomato
From Matchbox: A true sun drying tomato of Italian descent, this plant bears hundreds of little grape shaped fruit of compact plants. Once dried, these tomatoes are packed with sweetness. Heirloom.
Days to maturity: 65 – 70
Seeds per pack: 25 seeds
Germination Rate: 81%**********If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season**********
25 seeds
Tomato – Paul Robeson Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Beefsteak tomato.
From Matchbox: Another Russian heirloom, this tomato is named after Paul Robeson, a man who befriended Russia during the Soviet Union era. An excellent tomato named after an extraordinary man who fought for racial equality and social justice. This variety ripens to a beautiful deep red and measures up to 4” across. Rather fitting for us to release this particular variety in 2018.
Days to Maturity: 78
Seed Per Pack: 25 seeds
Germination Rate: 93%
**********If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season**********
Pack of 25 seeds
Pepper – Quadrato D’asti Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Hard to find variety, this classic Italian heirloom produces large four lobed fruit with thick walls. You can harvest the fruit when green, but be patient and wait for it to further ripen to yellow, the flavour is out of this world. Heavy producers, this variety is a great choice for market gardeners.
Days to maturity: 75
Seed per pack: 25 seeds
Germination Rate: 92%Heirloom
**********If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season**********
Pack of 25 seeds
Lettuce – Paris island cos Aimers
Original price was: $2.69.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Crisp emerald green outer leaves and sweet flavour make this heritage variety a popular salad choice. Attractive uniformly shaped heads average 25 cm tall. Good resistance to bolting and tolerance to tip burn.
Harvest in 72 days
Canada #1 seed
*****if seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season****
Pack of seeds
3 in 1 spray
$16.99Combines insecticidal soap with sulfur-based fungicide
Insecticide, Miticide, and Fungicide
Ideal for novice gardeners unsure of the problem
Controlling powdery mildew, black spot, leaf spot, rust. OMRI Listed and compliant for use in organic gardening, this multi-insect control formula kills aphids, beetles, caterpillars, mealy bugs, thrips, whiteflies, mites, insects, and fungus.1 L
Mache – Corn Salad – Tourne-Sol Organic Seeds
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Dark green rosettes seeded in fall to overwinter in cold frame. Traditional European wintergreen for salads and stir-fry.
Harvest in 50 days
200 seeds*****If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season*****
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Tag: Organic -
Lettuce Iceberg – Crispino Tourne-sol
Original price was: $3.50.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Green iceberg lettuce with round crisp heads. Easy to grow.
Harvest in 57 days
Canada organic
*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season********Add to cart
Tag: Organic -
Chicken Manure For Lawns 7-2-4 Acti-Sol
Seeding, sodding, and maintenance
- Helps with soil structure and water retention.
- Fertilizer applied in spring and summer to improve soil organic matter.
- Promotes the development of microbial life in the soil.
- Formula specially designed for all seasons
Product advantages
- Fine granules for fast results
- Efficient and easy to use
- Made in Québec from a local and renewable resource
- Made from hen manure, which is naturally rich in calcium
- No unpleasant odour
- Reusable, water-resistant bucket with hermetic lid
6 KG
Tomato – Mac Pink Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $3.50.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Heavy yields of early sweet medium-sized pink tomatoes. Bred at Macdonald College of McGill University in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC. Determinate.
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Tomato – Quebec #13 Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $3.99.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Very early tender 4oz red tomato with sweet floral taste. Bred by Joseph O. Vandal in the 1950s.
********If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season.*************
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Tomato – Striped German Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $3.50.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.Marbled yellow and red flesh
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Sage Tourne-Sol
Original price was: $3.50.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Grey leaves used fresh or dried in meat dishes and stuffing,
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Tomato – Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.A newer variety from Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms in California, the Pink Berkeley Tie Dye produces beautiful large fruit on compact plants. Fruit size 8-12oz. Striking appearance with deep pink and metallic green striping. Preferred flavour over Cherokee Purple. Early producer for it’s size.
Days to Maturity 75
Seeds per Pack: 25
Germination Rate: 87%*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season***********
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Tag: Organic -
Kale – Purple Moon Renee’s
$6.29Purple Moon has beautiful frilled & ruffled, deep purple leaves that are loaded with great flavor & super nutrition. The plants germinate and grow vigorously, and can be harvested over a long, productive season. Purple Moon has a mild and nutty flavor that is perfect for fresh salads or quick cooking.
395 Seeds
Bean Pole – Kentucky Wonder – Renee’s Organic Seeds
$6.29The classic variety for heavy crops of meaty, tender, 6 inch long pods with delicious flavor. Easy to grow & productive over a long harvest period. Vines are vigorous with heavy yields.
115-120 Seeds
Cucumber – Patty’s Marketmore Renee’s organic
$6.29Our own selection of this classic high yielding heirloom that produces long, dark green fruits with crunchy texture and mild sweet flavor. Weather tolerant and resistant to viruses and disease.
Harvest in 70 days.
***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
Pack of Seeds
Eggplant – Violetta Lunga Renee’s organic
$6.29Early bearing and prolific Italian favorite whose elongated dark purple fruits are almost seedless with flesh that is especially mild, nutty flavored and sweet. Wonderful grilled, baked or sautéed.
Harvest in 70 days***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
50-55 Seeds
Mustard – Ruby and Emerald Renee’s organic
Original price was: $5.19.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.Our mix of feathery ruby and emerald salad mustards is fast growing and as pretty as a picture with a delicious tart but mild flavor that really livens up any salad.
Harvest in 40 days.***If seeds are on sale/reduced, it is because they are from a previous season***
1700 Seeds
Bean Pole – Emerite Renee’s
$5.59Long and elegant French filet pole beans offer extra-fancy pods with a beany-sweet, delicate flavor and a crispy snap that makes them especially delicious. High yielding, very productive vines.
55-60 Seeds
Bean Bush – Roc D’Or – Renee’s Organic Seeds
$6.29French variety produces the best tasting yellow beans available: long, rounded, sunny-yellow pods with a delicate and buttery flavor. Plants are vigorous bearers with good resistance to bean viruses.
70 -75 Seeds
Dill – Leafy Diana – Renee’s
$5.19Heirloom dill’s feathery blue-green leaves have a fine aromatic scent that is delicious in green salads, eggs & with potatoes or rice. Blossoms bring butterflies to the garden.
1323 Seeds
Turnip – Golden Globe Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.From Matchbox: A heirloom believed to date back to c. 1863. It was prized for its superior flavour and lovely golden colour. This is a fun root to grow and has great, big leafy greens for cooking. Roots are mature when 3 – 4″ in diameter.
Days to Maturity: 55
Seed Per Pack: 150
Germination Rate: 88%**********If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season**********
150 seeds
Pepper – Bull’s Nose Matchbox
Original price was: $3.99.$2.00Current price is: $2.00.An heirloom dating back to c. 1850 and grown in the Monticello Gardens of Thomas Jefferson, this variety is great for northern gardeners. heavy setting plants produce blocky green fruit that ripen to red. Can be eaten when green or left to ripen further to red.
Days to maturity: 70
Seeds per pack: 25 seeds
Germination Rate: 93%Heirloom
*******If seeds are on sale, it is because they are from a previous season***********
Pack of 25 seeds
Praying Mantis (egg case)
$29.99An excellent general predator. Consumes Aphids, beetles, flies, mosquitos, moths, caterpillars and more. This egg case contains many praying mantis eggs that will hatch.
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Tag: Organic -
Tomato Yellow Cherry – Galina Tourne-sol
Original price was: $3.99.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Around 50 seeds. Yellow cherry tomato
Pack of 50 seeds
Pepper Sweet – Doe Hill Tourne-sol
Original price was: $3.50.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.Small golden bell peppers are prolific and sweet sweet sweet. A farm favorite. HEIRLOOM from Doe Hill area in Highland County, VA.
Harvest in 75 days.
Pack of 25 seeds