Carrots -Little Fingers – West Coast Seeds


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SKU: 68770400098 Categories: ,

The ultimate in baby carrots, Little Fingers is a fast-maturing Nantes type with smooth, golden orange skins, crisp texture, and a tender core. Short at 10cm (4″), Little Fingers carrot seeds are well suited to container growing and may succeed in heavier soils. For best results, plant these gourmet carrots in well-cultivated soil from March to July for continuous harvests right into early winter. The sweet flavoured, uniform roots are perfect for pickling, or eating fresh out of the garden.

Bred in France to develop their characteristic orange colour earlier than other varieties, these carrots can be harvested early at 8-9cm (3-3.5″). Don’t let them stay in the ground beyond around 68 days or they begin to lose their gourmet qualities.

Matures in 60 days.

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