Flower Seeds
Celosia – Celway Mix – West Coast Seeds
$7.99A mix of spikey blooms in orange, purple, red, salmon, terracotta, and white. The Celway celosia series is known for its long vase life, strong stems, and small top leaves. One central plum is surrounded by several smaller spikes for a well-filled look. Suitable for dense plantings in a greenhouse, high tunnel, or field/garden. 102-122cm (40-48″) height. Pinch at seedling stage to induce branching.
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Rudbeckia – Cappuccino – West Coast Seeds
$6.99Rudbeckia hirta. We did a double take when we saw this remarkable Rudbeckia during the summer flower trials. Large and very attractive bronze and chocolate coloured blooms appear over a very long flowering period from mid summer to frost. Cappuccino Rudbeckia seeds are an excellent garden performer with huge, richly coloured flowers to 10cm (4″) across covering plants growing to 45-50cm (18-20″) tall. This Rudbeckia would work well in a half-barrel or other large containers, and it looks sensational in big plantings. Impressive, low maintenance, and drought tolerant for xeriscaping. Deadhead spent flowers for a longer display. In very mild conditions, this plant may survive to bloom a second, or even third year. We treat it as an annual.
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Rudbeckia – Black Eyed Susan – West Coast Seeds
$3.49Rudbeckia hirta. At 30–100 cm (12–39″) tall, this North American native annual wildflower is immediately familiar, and conjures a sense of the heat of mid-summer. Dark brown cone centres are surrounded by pure yellow petals in flowers 5-8cm (2-3″) across. Black Eyed Susan is a common name shared by many plants, but this is the annual that is native to the northeastern United States. This plant has been used by a number of First Nations as a medicinal poultice to treat a number of infections, including cold and flu. You’ll love the bright look of this plant in mass plantings or in larger containers.
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Alyssum – Snow Cloth – West Coast Seeds
$4.69Low growing annual mounds of white flowers give off a rich honey perfume. Snow Cloth is great as living mulch and attractor of beneficial insects in the veggie garden. Ideal for edging, baskets, or pots. Shear plants after first flowering for a second bloom, as late as early October. Sow Snow Cloth Alyssum seeds in groups of 8 to 10 seeds for stronger effect. Do not cover. Plants grow to 15cm (6″) tall, but they tend to spread, so keep compact by growing in full sun.
Alyssum makes an excellent cover for weed suppression and for attracting beneficial insects. Tiny predatory wasp species are attracted by the small flowers, and will feed on caterpillars, aphids, and other pests.Sow in all unused areas or between rows.
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Lobelia – Midnight Blue – West Coast Seeds
$4.49Lobelia erinus. Vivid navy blue flowers adorn this tiny, trailing Lobelia, making it ideal for stuffing between other plants as a ground cover. The flowers are highly attractive to bees and butterflies. Grow Regatta Midnight Blue Lobelia seeds in window boxes or hanging baskets, and allow it to cascade over the edges of any container. In moist soil it will thrive in full sun or partial shade. This trailing Lobelia looks fabulous with Alyssum, and fills in empty corners really well. Sow the tiny, dust-like seeds on the surface of moist soil, and do not transplant outside until night time temperatures are well above 10°C (50°F). Regatta Midnight Blue is a recipient of the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.
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Cosmos – Rose Bon Bon – West Coast Seeds
$4.69Cosmos bipinnatus. Yes, it’s a Cosmos! Rose Bon Bon cosmos seeds are a new Fleuroselect Award winning variety from France, and part of the Double Click Cosmos series. Fully double flowers appear in soft rose pink on easy-to-grow, medium sized plants. Height to 1.2m (4′). This exquisite annual makes a wonderful cut flower, with petals almost as curled as Dianthus. Rose Bonbon really stood out for us at the All American Selections flower trials this past summer in Ontario. Major “Wow” factor!
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Poppies – Hungarian Blue – West Coast Seeds
$4.49Papaver somniferum. Hungarian Blue poppies produce elegant purple flowers atop tall, strong stems. From flower bud to seed pod stages, they are highly ornamental, and grow to around 60cm (24″) tall. Save the dried seed pods for arrangements, and empty out the edible seeds for use in breads and spreads. The fleeting flowers only last a day or two, but they keep appearing over several weeks, and they look spectacular in mass plantings. Hungarian is highly attractive to bees, but resistant to grazing deer.
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Poppies – Mother Of Pearl – West Coast Seeds
$3.99Papaver rhoeas. A breathtaking blend of crepe papery and subtly hued poppies, from dusty roses to muddy mauves, smoky strawberries to pearl whites, as well as bicolour picotees. Flowers grow on long stems up to 40-60cm (15-25″) tall. This special blend was reportedly named by painter and gardener, Sir Cedric Morris.
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Zinnias – Queeny Lime Orange – West Coast Seeds
$5.99Zinnia elegans. We grew a wide range of Zinnias in the summer field trials, but this one really stood out. Queeny Lime Orange Zinnias have branching stems that grow to about 90cm (36″) tall. Atop each stem is a flower of immense beauty that starts out lime green, but as its petals unfold they turn to deep peach and then orange. This colour range looks wonderful in bouquets. As cut flowers they are long lasting and luxuriant, and in the garden they are abuzz with bumble bees. The plants respond well to cutting, with more flowers forming all the time. The bloom period is from mid-summer right into September.
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Wildflowers – Biodiversity Blend – West Coast Seeds
$4.99As organic gardeners, we believe that biodiversity begets biodiversity. Plant a wide variety of flowers, and it will attract a wide variety of pollinators. The hugely diverse flowers of the thirty flower species in the Biodiversity Blend are variously shaped, scented, and sized. Some are generous with their pollen and nectar, while others are stingier, but all were selected because of their attraction for bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Even hummingbirds will become regular visitors. Several species included produce edible seeds to benefit songbirds even after the colours have faded. This blend reaches a height of about 1m (3′), and is hardy to Zone 3. It is composed of perennials and self-sowing annuals, and will bloom from late spring to first frost, changing as the seasons pass. Recommended rate of application: 185g per 1,000 square feet.
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Violas – Back To Black – West Coast Seeds
$4.49Viola cornuta. We loved this petite pansy as soon as it bloomed, and it bloomed in the first year, over a long period. Just 14 to 16 weeks after seeding, its small, very dark, and flat-faced flowers began to appear. With regular deadheading Back to Black just blooms and blooms. The foliar growth is vigorous, but the stature of the plants remains compact at about 15cm (6″) tall. It would look great in containers or window boxes, but it takes on a wonderful appearance in mass plantings. The flowers are actually very deep purple, but so deep that they appear black from a few feet away. Each delicate flower is streaked in the centre by a brush of golden yellow. The edible flower petals look amazing scattered on ice cream. Sow in early spring for summer flowers, or as late as July for winter blooms. It’s hardy in Zones 5 to 9.
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Calendula – Pacific Beauty – West Coast Seeds
$3.29Calendula officinalis. Semi-double flowers glow in warm apricot, cream, gold, and shades of yellow offering a brilliant range of coloured blooms. Pacific Beauty Mix have long stems, excellent for cutting. Sun or partial shade works well for these bright annual flowers. Tear the edible petals off and sprinkle them over summer meals. Most Calendula varieties require little care once established, so they are a good candidate for xeriscaping. While they may self sow, they are easy to control, so will not become weedy. Deadhead spent flowers for the tidiest look. This blend grows 30-60cm (12-24″) tall.
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Beans Pole – Scarlet Emperor – West Coast Seeds
$4.69The large clusters of beautiful scarlet flowers and rapid, vigorous, sprawling growth make Scarlet Emperor an ideal choice for screens, trellises, and balconies. The long pods are tender and tasty when picked small. If undisturbed, the roots may overwinter and re-grow the following spring in mild winter areas. Even if it doesn’t come back as a perennial, the seeds are large and easy to harvest and dry for future plantings. The seeds are black, streaked with purple. Grow Scarlet Emperor runner beans up a tall, strong trellis, and it will reach 3m (10′) or higher by mid-summer.
Matures in 75 days
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Zinnia – Moulin Rouge – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79(Zinnia elegans)
Our own sizzling hot blend of cutting zinnias in bright scarlet, rich true crimson and deep dark red, all knockout red shades that enhance and augment each other for gorgeous bright garden color and absolutely stunning centerpiece bouquets. You will love the fully double, big flowers that bloom strongly on vigorous, branching 3 to 3 1/2 foot tall plants. These stunning and long-lasting red flowers are guaranteed to attract native pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden.
Seed Count: 90-95Add to cart -
Sunflower Border – Sundancer – Renee’s Seeds
$5.19Helianthus annuus)
This outstanding sunflower grows quickly and blooms early. The vigorous, multi branching plants are quickly covered with masses of cheerful flower faces whose perfectly formed, deep golden-orange petals are arranged evenly around rich chocolate colored center discs. Sundancer flowers so heavily that you can grow the 4 to 6 foot plants as a stunning blooming border or hedge and also enjoy armfuls as lovely cut flowers for bouquets and arrangements.
Seed Count: 32-35Add to cart -
Salvia Hummingbird- Firelight – Renee’s Seeds
$5.19(Salvia splendens)
EXCLUSIVE – Our eye-catching, easy-care Salvia in warm glowing colors both feeds pollinators and absolutely shines in the garden with upright, dense blossom spikes in complementary colors of creamy white, rich coral and a rose-red. Long-blooming Firelight plants grow a uniform 12-18 inches tall. Their colorful and reliable flowers are bumblebee favorites and hummingbird magnets, filled with pollen and nectar that attracts, feeds and sustains the “flowers of the air” all summer long.
Seed Count: Approx. 115-120Add to cart -
Morning Glory Bush – Blue Ensign – Renee’s Seeds
$4.79(Convolvulus tricolor)
Your garden will set full sail with the intensely colored 2-inch trumpets of this true bush morning glory. Royal Blue Ensign grows easily and blooms hard to fill beds and borders with a profusion of vivid nautical blue flowers with contrasting white throats splashed with sunny yellow centers. The cheerful flowers with their crisp striking colors above lushly mounding foliage provide a long summer season of pure pleasure in any sunny location.
Seed Count: Approx. 100Add to cart