Vegetable Seeds
Corn – Peaches And Cream Early F1- West Coast Seeds
$3.99This fantastic mid-season bicolour hybrid produces 22cm (8.5″) long cobs, each with 18-20 rows each of white and gold kernels. The kernels actually produce two different flavours in every bite. Peaches and Cream corn seeds produce productive, 2m (6′) tall plants and very sweet cobs. Peaches and Cream has earned its popularity for gourmet flavour, sweetness, and tender, fine kernels. We highly recommend it for the home gardener. But be sure to wait until the soil is 21°C (70°F) before planting our untreated corn seeds – this is crucial for good germination of all super sweet hybrid corn varieties.
Matures in 70 days.
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Corn – Honey Select F1 – West Coast Seeds
$3.99Recent conventional corn breeding has produced this outstanding triplesweet with two types of kernels on each cob: 75% sugary enhanced (SE), and 25% super sweet (sh2). A winner of the All-America Selections award, Honey Select corn seeds were bred for the home gardener, and the plants do not require isolation from other varieties to produce their fantastic flavour. This is the sweetest variety for the home grower. The combination of hybrid kernels means excellent flavour is matched by a long harvest window and good keeping after harvest. The tender, sweet ears average 20-23cm (8-9″) long.
Matures in 79 days
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Corn – Golden Jubilee F1 – West Coast Seeds
$4.99Golden Jubilee corn seeds are the highest-yielding, main crop variety for canning or freezing. The tall plants bear 20-25cm (8 1/2-9″) ears that have 16-20 rows of deep, sweet, yellow kernels with a rich corn flavour. If you don’t process or cook the cobs soon after harvest, they only stay sweet for a relatively short time. But cooked fresh, they are sweet and flavourful, and worth waiting for. Make sure that the soil temperature is 15°C (60°F) before planting these untreated corn seeds. Corn is wind pollinated to it needs to be planted in blocks as opposed to single rows. Isolate Golden Jubilee from all other super sweet varieties for the best results.
Matures in 95 to 105 days.
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Celery – Amsterdam Cutting Leaf – West Coast Seeds
$3.49Apium graveolens secalinum. This cutting leaf celery is like the European cousin to our Chinese Yellow Stem . Both are grown for their leaves, not the crunchy stalks. Amsterdam Cutting Leaf Celery is a Dutch heirloom that is used traditionally to flavour soups and stews. It has larger leaves than stalk celery, and these can be harvested a handful at a time, as needed, rather than cutting the whole plant. The flavour is also more pronounced, a little bit similar to Italian parsley. The stems are hollow and can be quite fibrous, but they are excellent for making stock. This annual plant deserves a place in the herb garden.
Matures in 80 days.
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Celery – Chinese Yellow Stem – West Coast Seeds
$3.99Our replacement for Summer Kintsai, Chinese Yellow Stem has delicate, hollow stems with very little fibre. Chinese celery has a stronger flavour and is harvested earlier than standard celery, making it easier to grow. Use the leaves and stalks in stir-fries, soups, salads, and dumplings.
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Celery – Tall Utah – West Coast Seeds
$3.49An early and disease resistant celery that’s slow to bolt, Tall Utah 52-70 celery seeds produce really tall plants. Utah 52-70 is a tall, medium dark green celery with long, thick stalks that are sweet and crunchy. Overall plant height can be up to 75cm (30″), with the first joint appearing 26-28cm (10-11″) up on the plants. This variety develops strong roots with good heart development. It holds its form and colour in the field well, and is strongly flavoured for use in the kitchen. Tall Utah 53-70 is recommended for home garden as well as commercial farm use, and produces impressive stalks with good market potential. It first appeared on the market in 1953, so technically it’s an heirloom variety.
Matures in 100 days.
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Cauliflower – Purple Moon F1 – West Coast Seeds
$5.99This early maturing purple cauliflower is so fast to produce its violet crowns that you may miss them if you don’t keep an eye out! Purple Moon is widely adaptable to many growing regions yielding a concentrated harvest a full two weeks before Graffiti. Make succession plantings spring through mid-summer to extend the harvest.
Matures in 62 days
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Cauliflower – Amazing – West Coast Seeds
$4.69This cauliflower lives up to its name with its amazing holding ability in the garden. Some cauliflower varieties develop heads that are open and exposed to sunlight, but Amazing has large outer wrapper leaves that grow upright, sheltering the head from the sun. As a result, the heads do not need to be harvested with any great urgency and you can pick them as you need them. The plants are medium sized, with domed, tightly packed curds, and they’re not particularly fussy about temperature stress, either cold or hot. If you’ve had trouble in the past growing cauliflower, try some Amazing cauliflower seeds – it’s an excellent choice for cauliflower newbies.
Matures in 75 days.
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Cauliflower – Clementine F1 – West Coast Seeds
$6.89The brightest orange cauliflower you’ll find! Grown for summer and fall harvest, Clementine’s heads will look amazing in your garden and on your plate. Plants are vigorous and offer some cover to protect these jewels. A bit smaller and earlier than our previous offering, Sunset, with more vibrant colour.
Matures in 70 days.
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Cabbage – Tiara F1 – West Coast Seeds
$4.99SUMMER HARVEST. Expect early and extra tender leaves from Tiara cabbage seeds. An improved early first cabbage with wonderful hybrid uniformity and excellent holding ability. Tiara supports a dense cabbage head with a short internal core. This cabbage holds well in the field. Tiara cabbage is green, medium sized, with thin, tender leaves that would make a perfect addition to your coleslaw or salad. This may be one of the best cabbage varieties for sauerkraut. Learn when to plant cabbage seeds in our How to Grow Cabbage instructions below. Tiara cabbage seeds produce plants that are mature in just 45 days from transplant.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 45 days.
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Cabbage – Wa Wa Sai F1 – West Coast Seeds
$4.99SUI CHOI. Wa Wa Sai cabbage seeds produce classic miniature napa cabbages or sui choi. The heads weigh approximately 500g (1 lb) each from spring or autumn sowing. And they are ready to harvest just 60 days from transplanting. Space plants around 20-30 cm (8-12″) apart in the row. They have a lovely sweet flavour and crisp texture that works so well with noodle dishes. Sui choi is dramatically reduced in volume when cooked. Remove the loose outer wrapper leaves to reveal a tightly packed urn-like oblong napa cabbage within. This is an excellent choice for making kimchi at home. Wa Wa Sai has high resistance to clubroot.
Matures in 60 days.
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Beets – Touchstone Gold – West Coast Seeds
$7.99This is the ultimate golden beet. Its roots are smooth and orange/red on the outside with intensely golden flesh beneath and subtle banding. The green tops are tall and strong — not to mention sweet and delicious. This gorgeous beet looks amazing when pickled.
Matures in 53 days.
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Beets – Beet Blend – West Coast Seeds
$5.99Beta vulgaris. Can’t choose which beet to grow? Try this multicoloured beet blend. It represents the best and brightest of our beet varieties for high performance and great flavour. Get the most variety out of this colourful, tasty, dynamic blend of beet seeds. This easy to grow vegetable may be eaten from foliage to root. Beets can grow in cool months and can take some frost. Beets are high in Vitamin C, folic acid, antioxidants, minerals, fibre, and potassium. They also contain betaine, a compound that is essential for cardiovascular health.
Matures in 50-65 days.
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Beets – Golden Boy – West Coast Seeds
$4.99A uniform, golden yellow beet with glossy, emerald green leaves. Golden Boy’s stems are more upright than other yellow varieties so tops stay cleaner and can be easier to manage in the garden. Yellow beets have a milder, sweeter flavour than most red varieties and hold their beautiful colour when cooked. Try steaming or baking with some red beets for a dish that looks like a sunset.
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Beets – Chioggia Organic – West Coast Seeds
$3.99CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Chioggia Guardsmark Organic beet seeds are a striking Italian type with light-red, smooth round roots and bright pink and white alternating rings inside. These sweet beets (pronounced kee-OH-jee-ah) are about 5cm (2″) in diameter with mild green leaves and pale red stems. Chioggia Guardsmark organic beet seeds are a staff favourite that add festive colour to any meal.
Matures in 65 days.
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Beets – Red Ace – West Coast Seeds
$4.49Hybrid vigour brings better germination, fast spring growth, and excellent disease resistance. The large, deep red, round roots are uniform, sweet and tender. Red Ace is a recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit. It is resistant to Cercospora. In well-drained, mild winter gardens this variety can be harvested all winter.
Matures in 55 days.
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Beets – Cylindra – West Coast Seeds
$3.29Cylindra beet seeds are a very sweet heirloom first introduced to the US from Europe in 1892. Its cylindrical shape makes it very nice for pickling or slicing. The leaves of this beet are a little sweeter than most other beets, and are very nice as salad greens. Roots grow to 20cm (8″) long, with dark red flesh. Nearly two thirds of the length of the root will grow above ground, so some gardeners like to hill up soil around each plant as the root emerges. This will keep the skins of the root very tender and protect them from insects. Cylindra beet seeds also happen to produce particularly nice micro-greens.
Matures in 50-70 days.
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Beets – Detroit Supreme – West Coast Seeds
$3.49This improved Detroit Medium Top is known for its deep red roots with smooth skin and medium tops. The tasty, nutritious leaves are dark green with red veins and a small crown. Detroit Supreme beet seeds produce roots with minimal zoning (visible rings in cross section) even in hot weather. Detroit Supreme was bred to be mildew resistant for either processing or fresh market production. Because the roots are so uniform and dark, they look fabulous bunched for the market table. They are particularly nice for pickling, as the brine will turn a very dark red claret colour, and they stay tender but crunchy.
Matures in 65 days.
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Beets – Early Wonder Tall Top – West Coast Seeds
$3.49Early Wonder Tall Top beet seeds beets adapt to all seasons but are especially good in early spring with quick growth in chilly soils. They produce tall, tasty green leaves with red stems and slightly flattened roots with wonderfully sweet flavour. Early Wonder Tall Top beets makes a good variety for general table use. Grow as micro-greens or baby leaf greens for salad mixes, or enjoy the sweet round roots at full size. Be sure to thin the planted row to allow each root the room it needs to grow to full size.
Matures in 60 days.
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Brussel Sprouts – Nautic F1 Organic – West Coast Seeds
$6.99Nautic Organic Brussels sprout seeds are CERTIFIED ORGANIC! These are the best tasting sprouts we’ve tried in years! Succulent, tender, and useful as whole sprouts or separated leaves, Nautic was bred for high disease resistance, including a strong resistance to powdery mildew. Its buds are spaced slightly apart so the plants dry quicker after fall rain, reducing bud loss, and making it easier to harvest individual sprouts. Nautic is a great variety for the home garden or newbie sprout grower because of its simple and straightforward production. Plant in early summer, transplant in late summer, and harvest all fall and winter.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 120 days.
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Broccoli – Di Cicco Organic – West Coast Seeds
$3.99An Italian multi-cut broccoli that produces a small main head followed by an abundance of tender sideshoots. Cut Di Cicco’s 8-10cm (3-4″) blue-green, central head to induce the production of sideshoots and keep them cut to extend the harvest. Best for spring and fall production, the initial head will be looser than standard heading types and with more variation of floret size than other sprouting varieties. Excellent fresh, and a very good choice for freezing. Di Cicco can also be used for a fast microgreen. This is an old European heirloom that has been in cultivation since 1890.
Matures in 48 days.Add to cart -
Rapini – Sorrento – West Coast Seeds
$3.69Broccoli raab is sometimes called rapini. Like broccoli, it is grown for its unopened flower buds. The flavour is very similar to broccoli, with a touch of bitterness that is surprisingly appealing. Broccoli raab is actually more closely related to turnips than broccoli, but is not grown as a root crop. Sorrento broccoli raab seeds produce uniform dark green florets approximately 5cm (2″) in diameter. Sorrento is the fastest rapini to mature. Gather the tender stems with a few leaves and the unopened flower buds for a reliable and nutritious addition to the kitchen or market garden. Plant in mid to late summer for a cool weather harvest well into winter. Expect plants to grow to 78cm (30″) tall.
Matures in 40-45 days.
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Broccolini – Asapbroc F1 – West Coast Seeds
$6.49This delicious broccolini resembles a broccoli raab, but with an asparagus-like stem. Aspabroc Broccolini has a sweet, delicate flavour with a subtle, peppery taste. The flavour is milder and sweeter when cooked. When eaten raw, the vegetable has a tender yet crunchy texture. Aspabroc is a nutritional powerhouse, full of vitamins and minerals the body needs to stay fit and healthy. Aspabroc broccolini seeds are a natural hybrid of broccoli and gai lan, and are not genetically engineered. Follow spring planting for summer harvest instructions for this unique variety. This is the same broccolini that has been available in grocery stores for the last few years. Now you can grow it at home!
Matures in 50 days.
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Broccoli – Green Magic F1 – West Coast Seeds
$5.49Perfect for summer harvests, Green Magic broccoli holds well with improved hybrid bolt resistance. Considered a mid/early variety, it’s also good for fall harvests. The large plants are blue/green with uniform, tightly packed heads, excellent flavour, and strong resistance to foliar powdery mildew. If saving seeds is not the singular goal of the gardening plan, hybrid broccoli varieties will often produce an earlier, more uniform crop with better disease resistance than an open pollinated alternative. Broccoli (and all Brassicas) make a strong case for hybridizing to bring out the best a crop can offer. In all cases, West Coast Seeds includes open pollinated options for those interested in seed saving. Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Matures in 60 days.
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Beans Bush – Derby – West Coast Seeds
$4.69This AAS award winning compact bush bean is great choice for the new gardener. The bushes are low-growing, self-supporting and shallow-rooted, making it suitable for container gardening. The plant is generally trouble-free and produces tasty 7″ long, round green pods. Like other bush beans, Derby produces a one-time crop but the beans have a good holding ability so growers can enjoy an extended harvest. The above average yields are also easy to pick. Lengthen the growing season with succession planting until mid-summer. Derby is resistant to Common Bean Mosaic Virus.
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Beans Pole – Lazy Housewife – West Coast Seeds
$5.99This old time heirloom pole bean was first introduced by W. Atlas Burpee back in 1885. Its pods are green and entirely stringless, with a rich and buttery flavour when cooked. Use it as a snap bean, or allow the all-white, pearl-like seeds to develop for use as dry beans all winter. Lazy Housewife was the first stringless snap bean introduced in North America, making it faster and easier to prepare for cooking, hence its name. Times have changed since it was named, but we are pleased to offer this classic taste of gardens past. Provide a trellis for this enthusiastic climber.
Matures in 80 days.
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Soy Beans – Kuroshinju – West Coast Seeds
$8.49This early maturing soya bean’s seeds turn black when fully cooked and are rich in antioxidants. It has a silkier texture, and sweeter flavour than many other varieties. The bushy 60cm (24”) tall plants were very productive in our trials, producing pods with two to three seeds each, that are held aloft for easy harvest. The pods keep fresh for ages if briefly blanched and then frozen. Our soybean seeds are authentic from Japanese breeding and are non-GMO. Soybeans are easy to grow, easy to harvest, and nutritious to eat.
Matures in 80-85 days.
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Beans Pole – Hilda Romano – West Coast Seeds
$5.99Hilda Romano pole bean has flat pods, no strings, and great flavour. This bean is one of the first to produce in the summer and keeps going until frost if kept picked. It needs a strong support, but produces an incredible harvest. The pods grow to 23cm (9”) long and the plants are BCMV resistant.
This is a similar bean to Helda, bred in southern Europe, but Hilda produces a slightly longer bean that stays tender for longer as the pods mature.
Matures in 60 days.
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Beans Bush – Ferrari – West Coast Seeds
$7.49Ferrari is considered a French filet type bean and has a wonderful flavour. The slim, stringless, round pods develop early on compact plants, and grow to 13cm (5”). This variety has good potential for early starting under cloche protection, and is compact enough for container growing. Ferrari bush bean seeds are resistant to Anthracnose and BCMV, and tolerant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
Matures in 55 days.
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Beans Bush – Ferrari – West Coast Seeds
$4.99Ferrari is considered a French filet type bean and has a wonderful flavour. The slim, stringless, round pods develop early on compact plants, and grow to 13cm (5”). This variety has good potential for early starting under cloche protection, and is compact enough for container growing. Ferrari bush bean seeds are resistant to Anthracnose and BCMV, and tolerant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
Matures in 55 days.
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Beans Broad – Campo de’Fiori – West Coast Seeds
$4.49These big beans have big flavour. The 15cm (6”) pods are broad, flat, stringless, and medium green. The intense flavour of these Italian beans remains even after canning and processing. Or enjoy them straight out of the garden when they are sweet and crisp. Romano beans typically grow on tall vines that need to be supported by canes or trellises. Campo di Fiori Romano bean seeds produce tidy (determinate) bush bean plants that have a shorter harvest window. That is, the beans will all come at once during a two to three week period. The trade off is the convenience of smaller bush plants that will produce well in large containers.
Matures in 58 days.
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Beans Broad – Windsor – West Coast Seeds
$4.69These wonderful large beans mature in 75-85 days when sown in the spring, or 6 months if fall sown. The plants grow 90-120cm (3-4′) tall. The light green pods, which contain 6-7 large pale green seeds each, shell easily. Windsor broad bean seeds are superb for family gardens and easy for small children to handle. Broad Windsor is intended for growing as a food crop. The seeds it produces are large and succulent, unlike the small-seeded fava we offer as a cover crop. This large variety will fix nitrogen in your soil, so it’s perfect for planting in the fall, harvesting in the spring, and following with nitrogen loving crops like Brassicas, lettuce, or spinach. Fresh or dried, broad beans must be cooked before eating in order to rid them of potentially toxic alkaloids. The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, or cooked like spinach. Broad beans are one of the world’s most ancient and widespread food crops.
Matures in 75-85 days.
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Beans Bush – Velour – West Coast Seeds
$5.69Velour dark purple French filet beans grow slender and straight on upright, bush type plants. 12cm (5″) high quality beans have a velvety rich colour that really pops when mixed with yellow and green varieties, or with the magenta coloured Celine. Beans hold well on the open plants for an extended harvest.
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Beans Bush – Dragon Tongue – West Coast Seeds
$4.99Technically a wax bean until it develops its purple streaks, this beautiful Dutch heirloom is wonderful to eat fresh, or to save and use as dried beans. When the flat 21–25cm (8–10”) beans turn from a lime green to yellow with bright purple stripes, they are ready for cooking or freezing. Dragon Tongue bush bean seeds are also known as Merveille de Piemonte.
Matures in 65 days.
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Beans Bush – Maxibel Filet Organic – West Coast Seeds
$6.49CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Maxibel is unsurpassed in flavour and great for fresh market gardeners. Straight, dark-green filet bean pods are stringless and about 18cm (7″) long on sturdy bush plants. Maxibel Filet Organic bush bean seeds produce plants that yield in a huge but concentrated harvest. This is an excellent choice for multiple spring sowings – stagger planting times and sow short rows every two to three weeks. This will result in a much longer harvest window. Try growing Maxibel bush beans in larger containers like half barrels or grow bags in urban settings. They work very well in raised beds, too.
Matures in 55 days.
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Beans Pole – Matilda – West Coast Seeds
$7.49Matilda pole bean seeds produce big, nicely shaped, round beans with straight pods that average 15cm (6″) long are heavily produced on this variety from German breeding. The flavour is both sweet and mild. Plants are vigorous, productive, and early, but will produce all season long if you keep them well picked. We took harvest after harvest over a long period in summer during our seed trials. The pods have a nice crunch and good flavour raw, cooked, or pickled. They even stand up to blanching and freezing for winter use if any of the summer crop makes it that far.
Matures in 70 days.
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